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I can’t wait to open your emails! Your emails are my favorite ones to read… Your emails make my inbox sing! When the emails you write to your list are engaging, entertaining or instructional, it’s easy for the readers to love them. When they ooze with personality and make a connection with your readers, they…

As a writer, I prefer the word text to content when I talk about my work. Content makes me think of filler, something more like Hamburger Helper than grade-A beef. But there’s a good reason people don’t call blogging a form of “text marketing.” Content actually includes nearly anything you publish — read, heard, or…

Blogging can be the bane of a solopreneur’s workday. You know it’s important to share valuable content with your readers, but it kills you to think of spending the majority of your day writing one. single. post. Luckily, there’s a way to streamline your blogging process, and it all starts with batching. You’ve probably heard…

learn to code

Be honest: you know the value of learning new things but have been putting off learning said new skills because you never seem to have enough hours in the day. I get it. They don’t call you a One Woman Shop for no reason—not only are you running a business or side hustle, you’re trying…

learn to code

Let me guess: You have spent maybe a couple hundred (or thousands) of dollars on the shiniest, newest online course. Or perhaps you have put down close to a hundred bucks for a new workshop that promises to solve all your problems. Yet you are still in the same place that you were before you…

learn to code

Learning to code is more than just a passing trend right now. Because of that, there’s been a small explosion of startups teaching people essential digital skills; especially ones aimed at women. With options galore, where is it safe to start? As always, with the why. Why would you want to learn how to code?…