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Do you have a product or service that you feel super passionate about it, but it’s just not taking off like you’d like it to? Before you chalk it up to a big failure, try these five ideas to bring your offering to life (or back to life): Make sure your target market will actually…

All client relationships can go through highs and lows, but that doesn’t always mean it is a bad fit. However, the wrong partnership or client can be damaging to your business and your brand and can drain you mentally, emotionally, and financially. If you have tried everything in your power to reconcile any mishaps that…

expansion or one woman shop

Welcome to Shop Talk, where we chat about everything from the business processes and procedures you swear by to how you handle tough situations (like letting go of a client) to what gets you up on Monday morning. Give us a sneak peek into your business and let yourself inspire (and be inspired by!) our community.…

Not all of us can be stellar copywriters. Even if you’re writing to your target audience, you could still be making some basic mistakes. If you’re not ready to turn things over to a pro, here are some steps you can take to jazz up your web copy. 1. Take action Your website’s traffic is…

We recently read a piece, entitled Things That Won’t Complete You, about all those material goods or experiences that you have convinced yourself will “fill in your missing piece, your gassy void, your melancholy nothingness, your gaping abyss.” Harsh wording aside, we liked the sentiment of the list and wanted to create our own. Presenting: 5…

how to write a kick-ass bio

Join us every Monday morning for Motivation Monday, where we share a helpful “homework” assignment that gives your business a creative boost and gets you thinking (and moving) outside the box each week. “Can you send over a bio?” Ah, sounds so simple, huh? But if you’re paralyzed by the idea of writing about yourself in a pithy…