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Solopreneur Sanity

If you’re like me, you probably clicked on this title with a slight sense of doubt. Yes, yes, another post telling me that if I just get up at 5 o’clock in the morning, my life will be magical. NOPE! You’re in luck. Despite the fact that I’m former military (or perhaps because of it!),…

Solopreneur Sanity

The life of an entrepreneur is very unique. Days are long and often lived in solitude and sweatpants, with copious amounts of coffee. The work is challenging and exhilarating. It is indeed a unique life, and most times an awesome one, for sure. But owning your own business, while wonderful, can be very stressful. This…

Solopreneur Sanity

Small business owners are some of the most passionate and driven people I’ve ever met. It’s an entire niche of builders and makers who are totally and completely dedicated to their work. They believe in it. And they have big, crazy dreams. But sometimes life asks us to take a break; to step away and…

Solopreneur Sanity

It’s December, and we’re all trying to stay sane and survive the holiday season, right? For us solopreneurs, it might as well be December all the time — because we’re constantly trying to stay sane. Scheduling, emails, meetings, troubleshooting, technical difficulties, spotty WiFi… there’s usually some of that in our day, and it’s not wrapped…