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Do you feel like it’s feast or famine in your solo business? You’re definitely not alone- we all deal with up and down periods, especially at the beginning. Lauren Caselli recently shared five tips for what to do when there’s nothing to do in your business, but we’re back with even more ideas for you…

You know those crappy work days where you feel tired, unproductive, in need of more caffeine, full of doubt, and ready to run back to a cubicle? Where all you want to do is pull the covers over your eyes, curl up with a cup of coffee, turn on Friends, or take a road trip…

We recently read a piece, entitled Things That Won’t Complete You, about all those material goods or experiences that you have convinced yourself will “fill in your missing piece, your gassy void, your melancholy nothingness, your gaping abyss.” Harsh wording aside, we liked the sentiment of the list and wanted to create our own. Presenting: 5…

how to write a kick-ass bio

Join us every Monday morning for Motivation Monday, where we share a helpful “homework” assignment that gives your business a creative boost and gets you thinking (and moving) outside the box each week. “Can you send over a bio?” Ah, sounds so simple, huh? But if you’re paralyzed by the idea of writing about yourself in a pithy…

joy and purpose in business

Imagine your perfect work situation. Are you imagining it? If you’re like us, you want to start work every day feeling like you’re fulfilling your purpose by changing the community, empowering individuals, helping others grow their babies businesses, providing people with inspiration, or something else purpose-y. It doesn’t have to come in the form of working with…

When was the last time you were uncomfortable? Not like there’s-a-tag-in-your-shirt-that’s-scratching you uncomfortable…I’m talking about socially uncomfortable. That feeling where you want to crawl under something or at the very least avert your eyes because you can’t bear to meet the eyes of the other person. You might look back and cringe over the moment…