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It happens to the best of us. We’re going through our day, when a great idea for a blog post pops into our head. And that’s when we tell ourselves the biggest fib of our blogging careers…“I’ll remember that later.” Ladies, don’t do it. Write down all of your magical ideas in a notebook as…

You work hard at growing your email list. You created an irresistible lead magnet and optimized your website to capture leads. But when did you last take a close look at the emails that you’ve been sending out? While growing your list is important, it’s equally important to take care of your existing subscribers and…

The Internet is kind of like the universe — it seems to be constantly expanding. Every day there’s a new startup online, a new blog going live, a new podcast streaming. In all of the content, it can be difficult to stand out and attract your clients to your business website. How do you reach…

I can’t wait to open your emails! Your emails are my favorite ones to read… Your emails make my inbox sing! When the emails you write to your list are engaging, entertaining or instructional, it’s easy for the readers to love them. When they ooze with personality and make a connection with your readers, they…

As a writer, I prefer the word text to content when I talk about my work. Content makes me think of filler, something more like Hamburger Helper than grade-A beef. But there’s a good reason people don’t call blogging a form of “text marketing.” Content actually includes nearly anything you publish — read, heard, or…

Blogging can be the bane of a solopreneur’s workday. You know it’s important to share valuable content with your readers, but it kills you to think of spending the majority of your day writing one. single. post. Luckily, there’s a way to streamline your blogging process, and it all starts with batching. You’ve probably heard…