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The 100 Best Sites for Solopreneurs from One Woman Shop

Just over a month ago, the third edition of our 100 Best Sites for Solopreneurs list went live — we’re not saying it broke the internet, but we’re not not saying it. For one month, we gave you the chance to vote for your top resource across each of our seven categories. Without further ado,…

Create an operations manual. It’s probably business advice you’ve heard on more than one occasion. If you’re like most solopreneurs, it’s one of the things you skip — maybe because admin tasks just aren’t what you got into business for, or perhaps because you’re not sure what it is or why you need one. We’re…

As any seasoned solopreneur knows, customer referrals are critical to growing your business. Whether it’s finding the right first hire or getting traffic through the door, having a trusted network endorse your business is what inevitably leads to success. It’s time to start paying attention to your network of referrals, if you haven’t been doing…

Shop Talk snippets from One Woman Shop

Welcome to Shop Talk! While we love providing you with jam-packed, actionable posts, we also wanted to share quick, thought-provoking snippets here and there — from our brains to yours. We often find that our members and coaching clients are driven, motivated business owners who fall into a trap of feeling guilty for not doing…

If you’ve been stuck thinking there just aren’t enough clients in the world, it’s time to turn that scarcity mindset around. Reframe it like this: As a solopreneur, you’re a problem solver. And it’s likely that there are more people experiencing that problem than you might initially realize. For the purpose of this post, let’s…

“Never pretend to be a unicorn by sticking a plunger on your head.” Sage advice from Martίn Espada in ‘Advice to Young Poets.’ Unicorns are iconic. Emblematic. They symbolize the effortless realization of dreams. The thing is, dreams are real, but unicorns are not. That seems like a despondent note to start on, but it’s…