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“Never pretend to be a unicorn by sticking a plunger on your head.” Sage advice from Martίn Espada in ‘Advice to Young Poets.’ Unicorns are iconic. Emblematic. They symbolize the effortless realization of dreams. The thing is, dreams are real, but unicorns are not. That seems like a despondent note to start on, but it’s…

“So you’re between jobs?” “Don’t worry, something solid will come up.” “Having a 9-to-5 is the only way to get a mortgage, you know.” “Don’t you want job security?” “I guess you’re on a journey of ‘self-discovery’, right?” If these quotes sound like your last family gathering, then you’re not alone. Explaining your solopreneur venture…

Solopreneur Sanity on One Woman Shop

You can see from the title that this is all about disconnect. Don’t take that the wrong way. I don’t mean disconnect between people — interpersonal connection makes the business world go round. This here is specifically about a different kind of disconnect. Disconnection: Turning your digital connection off. You know…unplugging. (That means phones, tablets,…

Solopreneur Sanity on One Woman Shop

Do you feel a little like you live in a vacuum? You’re working your solopreneur socks off, getting stuff done, but in a big empty cave of introverted aloneness? Your mental space is big, echoing, empty, and you’re used to the silence of solitude. It’s not really fair — you became a solopreneur to get…