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As a writer, I prefer the word text to content when I talk about my work. Content makes me think of filler, something more like Hamburger Helper than grade-A beef. But there’s a good reason people don’t call blogging a form of “text marketing.” Content actually includes nearly anything you publish — read, heard, or…

Blogging can be the bane of a solopreneur’s workday. You know it’s important to share valuable content with your readers, but it kills you to think of spending the majority of your day writing one. single. post. Luckily, there’s a way to streamline your blogging process, and it all starts with batching. You’ve probably heard…

learn to code

Be honest: you know the value of learning new things but have been putting off learning said new skills because you never seem to have enough hours in the day. I get it. They don’t call you a One Woman Shop for no reason—not only are you running a business or side hustle, you’re trying…

freelance WordPress developer

Welcome to One Woman Experiments, where daring business women experiment with different parts of their business in order to find best practices. We hope these experiments help improve your business and inspire you to test-drive new strategies. Have an experiment you want to test out and document? Check out our ideas and guidelines! This experiment…