Motivation Monday: Keep An “Adding Value” File

Join us every most Monday mornings for Motivation Monday, where we share a helpful “homework” assignment that gives your business a creative boost and gets you thinking (and moving) outside the box each week.

You probably know by now that we're big fans of tracking things like positive feedback (we call that a rainy day file) within your business. But unfortunately, sometimes you won't be externally recognized for the good things you do, which is why we recommend also keeping an "adding value" list.

The benefits of this list? It boosts your confidence, it encourages you to seek out new ways to add value- in business and in the rest of life- to others, and it's a living document that you can refer to if you're doubting the value that you provide through your business and your actions. Cool, right?

Examples of things to include:

  • Any time you teach someone something that will benefit them 
  • When you give others positive feedback (for their rainy day file)
  • Every time you introduce two people you think will benefit from knowing each other
  • When you hook a client up with a tremendous opportunity
  • When you take the time to give a LinkedIn recommendation- with no strings attached

What will you include in your "adding value" file?

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