Shop Talk: Social Media

Shop Talk Social Media

Welcome to Shop Talk, where we chat about everything from the business processes and procedures you swear by to how you handle tough situations (like letting go of a client) to what gets you up on Monday morning. Give us a sneak peek into your business and let yourself inspire (and be inspired by!) our community.

Some people will tell you that social media is an absolute must in this digital age. That your company can't possibly thrive without it. Others disagree, pointing out that businesses succeeded for decades before the dawn of Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Based on your personal business experiences, what do you think- is social media a necessity, an added bonus, or a fad that will inevitably fade away?


  1. Completely essential! It’s the best way to get to know your customers, understand how they talk and what’s important to them – which is crucial for targeted marketing.

  2. Social Media is necessary in the marketing world in order to build relationships on a broader spectrum. Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn–it is important for companies to build a social media presence so they are easily searchable on Google. It’s not enough to just have a website anymore.

  3. Social media is a MUST! There’s so much proof behind it and the benefits of using it and engaging with your fans/followers! I don’t think SM is going to fade anytime soon, we are driven so much by technology. I think what most people miss is HOW to effectively use it. I’m working on a booklet to give to churches on effective SM usage. If anyone is looking for some more SM knowledge, follow @JustinWise – he knows his stuff!

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